Dziś moje majowe prace z produktami Agaterii :)
Today my may works with Agateria's products.
Today my may works with Agateria's products.
Kartka ślubna ze zdjęciem kościoła, w którym ceremonia miała się odbyć. Zdjęcie umieszczone w ramce-sercu z Agaterii, młoda para to ta tekturka. Papiery to agateriowe Magic Dreams.
A wedding card with a picture of the church where the ceremony was to take place. Photo placed in the frame-heart of Agateria, a couple is this chipboard. Papers - Magic Dreams.

para w prezencie ślubnym otrzymała taki but z podpisami znajomych. Na
40 rocznicę ślubu but został wręczony ponownie, ale najpierw trafił w
moje ręce i został odświeżony i troszkę upiększony. Cytaty umieszczone w
pracy to ten i ten stempel z Agaterii.
A couple as a wedding gift received a shoe with the signatures of friends. For the 40th wedding anniversary, the shoe was handed over again, but first it was in my hands and was refreshed and a little beautified. Quotes placed at work are that one and this stamp from Agateria.
A couple as a wedding gift received a shoe with the signatures of friends. For the 40th wedding anniversary, the shoe was handed over again, but first it was in my hands and was refreshed and a little beautified. Quotes placed at work are that one and this stamp from Agateria.

Pozdrawiam Was/ Greetings
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